Nebraska Team | GIX Logistics

Nebraska Team

We’re a big dysfunctional family (only we can leave at five o’clock)

Navigating in this industry requires a team that can quickly adapt to our ever-changing industry. It also takes an intuitive understanding of what we do on a daily basis to make things happen. We thrive in a team environment, where we challenge each other to keep pushing forward. We understand egos won’t move the market – our hard work will.

Take a minute to enjoy the people that make up the GIX family. It’s a family composed of preps, hipsters, dweebs, bikers, dog-lovers, parents, athletes, and a lot more. We’ve composed an interesting set of people that keep our work interesting and lives less boring. You could say we’re pretty damn cool.

Operations Team

Operations Specialists

Kayla Scholtz Operations Specialist 308-398-8561 866‐453‐9770
Bio coming soon.
Tylor Vose Operations Specialist 308-398-8581 308-398-8581
Bio coming soon.
Tiffany McDonald Operations Specialist 308-398-8545 308-398-8545
Bio coming soon.

Freight Managers

Bailey Foulk Freight Manager 308-398-8551 308-398-8551
Bio coming soon.
Chad Pfeifer Freight Manager 308-398-8588 308-398-8588
Bio coming soon.
David Lembke Freight Manager (308) 398-9507 (308) 398-9507
Bio coming soon.
Justin Phillips Freight Manager (308)398-8580 866‐453‐9770
Bio coming soon.
Michael Gruber Freight Manager 308-398-8595 866‐453‐9770
Bio coming soon.
Michael Oberg Freight Manager 308-398-9575 308-398-9575
Bio coming soon.
Tom Roach Freight Manager 308-398-8552 866‐453‐9770
Bio coming soon.
Wendy Blomquist Freight Manager 308-398-8541 866‐453‐9770
Bio coming soon.

Greg Island

Greg Baird Freight Manager 308-398-8522 866‐453‐9770
Bio coming soon.

Afterhours Managers

Jenna Pfeifer Afterhours Support - Customer Relations 308-398-8596 866‐453‐9770
Bio coming soon.
Monica Holdsworth Afterhours Support - Operations 308-398-9502 308-398-9502
Bio coming soon.
JuliAnn Hall Afterhours Support - Operations 308-398-9513 308-398-9513
Bio coming soon.
Alana Kaiser Afterhours Support - Operations 308-398-9510 308-398-9510
Bio coming soon.
Matthew Smith Afterhours Support 308-398-9514 308-398-9514
Bio coming soon.

We Remember

Our Friend, Boone Anderson In Loving Memory

We will always remember, Boone Anderson.  An insanely competitive, plain spoken, albeit charismatic Team Lead at GIX. Boone was lost to a tragic accident in late 2021. He'll be remembered as a Leader who's competitiveness and drive came through whether guiding his GIX team to a record week or playing against the homies on the golf course. "Five bucks a guy..." was a common phrase he used to coax those around him into entering a bet...any bet. Golf, bet. Ponies, bet. Racing marbles, bet. His impact on GIX and those on his team will always be remembered and everyone at GIX will do their best to bring the same type of energy, effort, urgency and passion that he brought in the door with him everday. We've included his original bio from our site for you to enjoy reading and as a greater insight into who Boone was and why we love him. 

Boone is just a dude who happens to be named after the famous American pioneer, Daniel Boone, and walks around the office calling everyone “cuh”. After his family did some investigation on their family tree, it came about that he was related to the real Daniel Boone. His dad liked the idea, but his mother not so much. After some persistent negotiating, his mom agreed just as long as he went by Boone. 
Boone and his younger sister, Rebecca, were born in Las Vegas (pop. 600,000) when their parents decided to make to the move to Milford, NE (pop. 2,100). They were THRILLED to say the least. But they came around and now call Nebraska home. They both try to keep their parents young, but sometimes find the roles reversed with them trying to keep up with their parents. It’s pretty evident his parents aren’t regular parents; they’re the “cool” parents we all wish we had. 

We’ve also noticed he seems to be Ms. Congeniality of the office by always getting second place. He got second in our golf tournament, second in our ping pong tournament, and second in everything else. He’s hit so many let points during our ping pong tournament that the point has now been named a “Boone.” He’s a retired Loper football player who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in business administration with an emphasis in marketing. He’s also a Boston Red Sox fan who gets really into the Barstool Sports and fantasy leagues. He’s a mix of James Franco in the face with the personality of Tyrese Gibson in Fast and Furious. 


Most likely to name his sons David and Crockett. We feel sorry for the second one. 


What do you think you’re most known around the office for? 
Using the net for points in ping pong. 

Favorite Sports Team & Why? 
Dallas Cowboys because they're America’s team and everyone hates them. Doesn’t make sense. 

What 5 hashtags best describe anything GIX? 
#reliable #competitive #underrated #cangetrowdy #GetTheCameraOuttaMyFaceJeffrey 

One thing GIX could do to make your day easier? 
A cook. 

What place do you usually get in the GIX fantasy league? 
This is my first season and I’m in dead last right now. 

The best part of waking up? 
Taking a piss. 

Animal you’d ride to and from work every day? 
An eagle because it’s so damn American. Also, shout out Milford High School. Go Eags! 

How many days do you wear the same pants in a row before it becomes, like, a problem? 
Classic question. Jeans can go for at least 4 days maybe 6. Sweats depend on if you sweat or not. Most of it depends on if you see the same people every day. 

Have you ever ate/drank something out of the GIX fridge that wasn’t yours? If so, confess now you savage. 
Cream cheese, ketchup, and like a drip drop of coffee creamer because we were out of sugar. I’m a firm believer in Karma, so I don’t get too carried away.

Sales Team

Sales Representatives

Cory Proskocil Major Account Sales 308-398-8584 866‐453‐9770
Bio coming soon.
Justin Vogel Major Account Sales 308-398-8589 866‐453‐9770
Bio coming soon.
Tyler Fead Major Account Sales 308-398-8594 866‐453‐9770
Bio coming soon.
Jeffrey Olson Major Account Sales 308-398-8565 866‐453‐9770
Bio coming soon.
Ashley Bennett Major Account Sales 308-398-8515 866‐453‐9770
Bio coming soon.
Abbie Gdowski Major Account Sales 308-398-9572 308-398-9572
Bio coming soon.

Jayden Long Junior Sales Representative (308) 398-8577 (308) 398-8577
Bio coming soon.
Maddie Price Junior Sales Representative (308) 398-9519 (308) 398-9519
Bio coming soon.

Customer Relations Team

Operations Support

Jody Kenny Carrier Development & Advocacy Specialist 308-398-8573 866‐453‐9770
Bio coming soon.
Kasey Slevin Carrier Development Manager 308-398-9518 308-398-9518
Bio coming soon.
Taylor Rodriguez Carrier Development Manager 308-398-9571 308-398-9571
Bio coming soon.
Ashlee Meyer Carrier Development Manager (308) 398-9511 (308) 398-9511
Bio coming soon.

Courtney Niemoth Detention Manager (308) 398-9522 (308) 398-9522
Bio coming soon.
Erin Sheffield Operations Support-Accessorial 308-398-9516 308-398-9516
Bio coming soon.
Carol Norton Carrier Manager Specialist 308-398-8573 308-398-8573
Bio coming soon.
Rees Lyon OS&D & Culture Manager 308-398-9528 308-398-9528
Bio coming soon.

Customer Relations Specialists

Casondra Gustin Customer Relations Specialist - Senior Accounts 308-398-8578 866‐453‐9770
Bio coming soon.
Sammie Rock Customer Relations Specialist 308-398-8517 866‐453‐9770
Bio coming soon.

Customer Relations Managers

Grant Meyer Customer Relations Manager 308-398-9597
Bio coming soon.
Jessica Bodtke Customer Relations Manager 308-398-8593 866‐453‐9770
Bio coming soon.
Kinzie Zlomke Customer Relations Manager (308) 398-9562 (308) 398-9562
Bio coming soon.
Paige Hamelin Customer Relations Manager 308-398-8586 866‐453‐9770
Bio coming soon.
Malorie Meier Customer Relations Manager 308-398-8568 308-398-8568
Bio coming soon.


Ellisa Landell Scheduling Manager 308-398-9525 866‐453‐9770
Bio coming soon.
Kelli Desel Scheduling Manager 308-398-8592 308-398-8592
Bio coming soon.
Skye Kuta Scheduling Manager 308-398-9526
Bio coming soon.

Support Team


Blake Bokowski System Administrator 308-398-8536 866‐453‐9770
Bio coming soon.
Jim Eberle System Administrator 308-398-8590 866‐453‐9770
Bio coming soon.
Matt Ostrander System Administrator 308-398-8538 308-398-8538
Bio coming soon.
Jason Moritz System Administrator 308-398-9588 308-398-9588
Bio coming soon.
Steffany Tartaglia Systems Administrator - McLeod Admin 308-398-9577 308-398-9577
Bio coming soon.
Chris Pete McLeod Specialist 308-398-8547 308-398-8547
Bio coming soon.
Justin Owens Junior Software Developer 308-398-9589 308-398-9589
Bio coming soon.
Anjal Bhattarai Junior Software Developer 308-398-9532 308-398-9532
Bio coming soon.
Uriel Serrano Service Desk Technician 308-398-9533 308-398-9533
Bio coming soon.
Donnie Kerlin Service Desk Technician 308-398-9567 308-398-9567
Bio coming soon.
David LaGrange Service Desk Technician 308-398-8571
Bio coming soon.

Pricing & Rating

Nick Wiemers Pricing Specialist 308-398-8549 866‐453‐9770
Bio coming soon.
Anthony Otto Pricing Manager (308) 398-9521 866-453-9770
Bio coming soon.

Recruiting & Training

Kristen Klein Training & Development Specialist 308-398-9563 308-398-9563
Bio coming soon.
Claire Cornell Recruiting & Marketing Manager 308-398-9535 308-398-9535
Bio coming soon.


Jim Pirnie President of Logistics 308-398-8550 866‐453‐9770
Bio coming soon.
Mike Young Vice President of Logistics 308-398-8582 866‐453‐9770
Bio coming soon.
Chris Schwarz Director of Operations 308-398-8540 866‐453‐9770
Bio coming soon.
Carmen Wilson General Manager - GI 308-398-8576 866‐453‐9770
Bio coming soon.
Kayla Hasselmann Chief Financial Officer 3083988529 866‐453‐4972
Bio coming soon.
Nikki Timmons Financial Controller 308-398-8531 866‐453‐4972
Bio coming soon.